My Coaching Services

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Leadership Coaching

The gold standard in your development, Leadership Coaching provides a confidential space in which to work through complex issues with an accredited coach, experienced in leadership development

  • Need help with barriers to your progression which are holding you back?

  • Stuck in indecision and negative thinking?

  • In a new role and would value support from a trusted sounding board?

  • Struggling to build relationships with some of your key stakeholders?

I bring to Leadership Coaching an extensive business background as an occupational and coaching psychologist and experience of leadership and talent development, gained in London based corporate centre HR roles and large UK wide dispersed organisations. I am practised at supporting busy leaders in the complex business issues they face, building a reputation as a valued sounding board.

Through these insights, I understand the challenges and career development needs of busy leaders, together with the qualities and behaviours that make up high performing teams.

For leaders facing uncertain times and complex challenges, or stuck in indecision and negative thinking, I help them to think differently, to change limiting thoughts and beliefs which may be holding them back into more helpful, positive thought patterns. A curious innovator, not afraid to challenge and provoke deep thinking and reflection, I help leaders to improve their self-awareness, discover their blindspots, improve key work relationships and unleash their true potential to enjoy successful careers.

  • £150 per 90 minute session

  • Various accredited psychometric personality and emotional intelligence assessments available at extra charge

Team Coaching

Team Coaching, helps you to become a high performing team by building trust, improving how you work together and encouraging you to make collaborative solution-focused decisions to achieve your goals.

  • Working well together, but would like to become a high performing team?

  • Got stuck in unhelpful team working practices, or behaviours and want help to fix this?

  • Struggling to agree your team’s purpose, values and goals and want to include key stakeholders’ views?

I enjoy using in-depth psychology knowledge and leading edge coaching psychology interventions, to work with teams. I understand the qualities and behaviours that make up high performing teams and what teams need to do to reach these high standards.

Team coaching is growing in importance in supporting teams to surface the many and different perspectives team members hold of the problem, or situation, they are dealing with. These differing perspectives can lead to teams getting stuck in extended problem solving, rather than finding the solution.

Team coaching helps teams to become ‘unstuck,’ unlocking unhelpful ways of working that limit success, encouraging celebration of the team’s strengths and supporting teams to improve trust, enhance their performance and work together more collaboratively to find the solutions they seek.

Team coaching also elevates the focus beyond the team dynamics that traditional team building methods employ, to introduce a ‘wider strategic and systems’ perspective. It achieves this by inviting the team to consider how they are perceived by the customers and stakeholders they serve, helping them discover where they are valued and delivering well and where they need to take action to close the gaps revealed by the feedback. The powerful outcome of coaching for the team is a new found sense of collective leadership which leads to them agreeing completely different viewpoints about their meaning, purpose, vision and goals, than previously held.

  • £300 per delegate, per half-day session (4 hours)

  • Additional charges can include various accredited psychometric personality and emotional intelligence assessments, one to one interviews with individual team members to identify the overall team coaching need and one-to-one coaching of individual team members, in addition to the team coaching session(s)

  • As each team’s coaching needs differ, charges will vary with each commission. Please book a Discovery Call to discuss your requirements in more detail.

Career Coaching

Career coaching provides the support you need to take charge of your own career, by helping you to identify the right role, or career, for you and maintain your motivation and resilience, whilst you make the transition.

  • Want an understanding of how you can use your experience and strengths, to fit in with future job options?

  • At a crossroads in your career and want to work through your options to make better career decisions?

  • Due to return to work after maternity leave and want to gain clarity and focus?

  • Wanting to overcome imposter syndrome, build self-confidence and clarify your career interests?

The secret to career success is having a career vision, a clear plan about how to get there, a ‘growth mindset,’ commitment to life-long learning and a good measure of resilience. We can only truly develop once we have taken time to look within, to build self-awareness by learning more about ourselves, gaining a deep understanding of our strengths, motivations, values and purpose in our life and career. 

Career coaching helps you to gain this insight, is suitable for all ages and you don’t have to be in full-time employment to benefit. 

Those seeking career coaching come from a variety of backgrounds, ages and stages in their life and career:

  • Senior leaders, some delegates on talent programmes, with ambitions to reach the highest positions in their organisation

  • Senior leaders and middle managers wishing to obtain promotion, or at a cross-roads in their career and feeling stuck

  • Mothers returning to work from a period of maternity leave and others who have taken time away from work, e.g., to take paternity leave, to care for elderly relatives, or to undertake postgraduate courses

  • School, college students and university graduates, seeking to transition to higher education, or from education to employment

  • Individuals who have been made redundant, requiring support to make the transition to a new role, or to start their own business

  • Individuals on the brink of retirement, but wish to find part-time employment, or start up their own business

  • £125 per 90 minute session

  • £150 - psychometric career interests questionnaire and follow-up 90 minute coaching session around the results (follow-on career coaching sessions at £125.00 per 90 minutes)

  • Various accredited psychometric personality and emotional intelligence assessments available at extra charge

  • Significant discounts apply each year to a limited number of school, college and university students and those on a low income. Please book in for a Discovery Call to find out more and check currently availability

Coach Supervision

Coaching supervision helps you to improve your coaching practice, view your knowledge and skills through different lenses and discover alternative perspectives on a coaching situation.

  • Reflecting on a coaching session where things didn’t go so well and need someone to share your concerns with?

  • Feel you could have served your client better and would like a different perspective on the coaching situation?

  • Want to keep motivated in your coaching work and need ideas for development?

  • Aiming for accreditation and need an accredited coach supervisor to support you in the process?

Coach supervision is ‘a process that involves looking at what we do and how with super-vision, new eyes, new perceptions, new visions, we see things differently’ (Carole & Shaw, 2013:255).

I bring to coach supervision, over 15+ years of in-depth coaching psychology knowledge and expertise and 8 years experience as a coach supervisor and supervisor of coach supervisors. I have used my coaching psychology knowledge to coach leaders, teams and individuals and also to design and implement three coaching strategies: two corporate coaching strategies in a large UK dispersed organisation and a British Psychological Society (BPS) South West Branch coaching and mentoring strategy - not to mention, becoming a published author in coaching psychology in 2019, 2023 and 2024.*

A BPS Chartered Coaching Psychologist, BPS Registered Supervisor (RAPPS), an MISCP Accredited Coaching Psychologist and Coach Supervisor, I am qualified to supervise clients aspiring to become Chartered Coaching Psychologists and those undertaking the Society’s Qualification in Occupational Psychology (QOP Stage 2). I regularly supervise coaches aspiring to become BPS Chartered Coaching Psychologists, and/or gain accreditation with the International Society of Coaching Psychologists (MISCP). Additionally, I supervise coaches wishing to become accredited with other coaching accrediting bodies, for example, The Association of Coaching (AC) and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).

Coach supervision is an extremely effective and valuable development tool. It is equally impactful whether you are embarking on your early coaching career, aspiring to be accredited, or already accredited. It supplies you with the rich experience of learning by inviting you to reflect on your coaching in the ‘live environment,’ enhances and builds upon the learning derived from coaching textbooks and courses and provides you with the opportunity to reflect on how you can improve in future and how you can apply what you have learned in subsequent coaching sessions.

Coach Supervision supports and develops you by:

  • helping you to maintain high quality and standards in your coaching practice

  • supporting you to celebrate the success of your work

  • highlighting your blind spots, vulnerabilities and unconscious biases that can affect your coaching relationships

  • focusing on how you as the coach ‘show up’ in the coaching relationship, unknowingly identify with the difficulties or concerns the client is describing, how this may have affected you and how to work through any reactions

  • focusing on your coaching career aspirations, your continued professional development and how to develop your practice

I believe that coach supervision sessions should be client led and I ask my clients to prepare in advance of their supervision sessions. It is your choice which of the above areas we focus on in each session.

  • One-to-One Coach Supervision - £125 per 90 minute session

  • One-to-One Supervision of Coach Supervisors - £125 per 90 minute session

  • Group Coach Supervision sessions for groups of six coaching colleagues at a cost of £375 each for 6 sessions booked and paid in advance (waiting list open).

  • Group Coach Supervision sessions for groups of six coaching supervisors at a cost of £375 each for 6 sessions booked and paid in advance (waiting list open).